movies eleanor dying to watch but hv yet to find any khakis
1. Just Like Heaven (released) 2. Pride & Prejudice (release on 8 Dec) 3. Oliver Twist (released) 4. Prime (24 Nov) 5. The Family Stone (24 Nov) 6. Chicken Little (1 Dec) 7. The Fog (8 Dec) 8. Perhaps Love (8 Dec) 9. The Promise (15 Dec)
*1st gasp of air: 19th June
*studying FT @ SIM-RMIT *partiming @ night safari *Canon SG
*loves to zone-out
*loves the rain, loves the sun
*loves sunset especially
*loves excitement
*loves me for who I am
*Bungee jumping
*(new) Digital Camera *Dresses
*Handbags (Ninewest & Burberry)
*(new) Laptop
*New specs
*Scents: Guess,Lancome
*Scuba diving
*Shades (MNG)
*Thriller books
*Trip to Oz,Japan,Taiwan,Paris,Egypt