foodie day~
muz be the word that comes outta ur mouth when u're reading my entry.
met Dion at abt 5pm in e evening to go for dinner at a Korean Restaurant opps Har Par Villa.
a crazy tot came to my mind.
since we're already dere, n its free entry y not?!
here are some 'act-tourist' pics~ lol...

this restaurant has been advertised greatly.
so we pinned quite high hopes on it.
thou it is famous for the BBQ, as there was only 2 of us,
we cant really finish it. so we go for al la carte.
i had the Yookaejang, Dion had the Soon Doobu.
quite spicy. their kimchi is good.
but i still prefer the chef's kimchi at my ex-workplace .
maybe.. the 1st time is always unforgettable.. i suppose? =p
niway we were too busy eating... as usual.
so only manage to catch the aftermath pic again.

haha... n one thing... their desert...
from wat i know Korean don't really hv much desert choices.
they normally drink tea as desert.
so when we were told that our desert will b serve shortly,
my mind went question mark and excited. curious to noe wat it is.
come out to be... a bowl of clear 'soupy' thing.
from the taste, i guessed it is cold sweet ginger tea. lol...
not much of out liking. took few sips n we left.
and OH YA... we 2 kukus...
when we were brought to the table,
we were given 2 jars of beverage, utensils and...
a saucer with 2 white tablet lookalike thingy.
outta curiousity i asked the waitress and a 'magic trick' was performed..
that 2 tablet lookalike thingy was...
diao loh.. so malu. haha...
but i think its entertaining.
coz the couple on the next table was looking at it too.
so all 4 of us 'learned' smtg new.
hahaha... funny.
n oso, did i say we got 2 jars of beverage,
one was plain water one was browndish in colour.
at first we were really doubtful if it is 'drinkable' so test abit.
(me being ginea pig) mMm.. some korean rice green tea lah.
haha.. thou it taste lyk tea, we were still not too sure.
so begin to look ard... haha...
on of those monkey see monkey do theory again. lol..
this time we observe those koreans ard us lah.
so cannot be wrg. =p
after the super duper filling dinner that almost bursted our tummy
*pats tummy with satisfaction*
we went to town to shop ard.
initially wanted to go for a movie but tix almost sold out,
left 1st row for us.. grr so went window shopping n cake shopping.
hehe... i went to get tis...

hehe... my fav!!! Chicago Cheesecake.
n now... shall go enjoy my super late supper n tv.