JESS baobei

i'll be missing u JESS baobei !!!
my sake flew off tis early morning.
woke up at 6am n took train with Dion to airport to send her off.
i dunno y i juz dun feel lyk taking cab.
its e process? mMm...
oso oso, xuan manage to meet us up a lil while in btw her work when changing gates.
so glad xuan able to make it. =)
was chatting w wanyi juz now.
n was asked abt crying n hating departures.
yi ask whether i cried... dUh...
me(crybaby) + sake (emotional) = 2 BIG crybabies
yi said she hate partings.
but i beg to differ.
i dun hate them
i would juz feel 'sour' inside; cant bear to see him/her go.
there reason behind everything.
if someone has to leave, they bound to hv a good enuff reason.
as for me i would send him/her all my well wishes.
with chinese sayings:... (direct translation is done coz i cant do chinese input)
1. temporary partings will win the feel of newly weds
2. there is no never-ending party
in my POV
if u dun part
u wun b able to feel e sweetness of meeting AGAIN
its not as if some1 is leaving e WORLD
it's only leaving SG
w technology so advanced
-there's web cam
-video conferenceing
- and even plane to fly over to meet n see them physically
w/in hrs, mins, secs,
missing NOW would become sweet
thou able to communicate so easily,
and u're still being missed by some1, isnt tat sweet?