Monday, December 25, 2006

Miss Me?? *chuckles*

wootzzy~ till now den i realise i hvnt been blogging for more den 10days?!
lol... lazy cum busy i shld say.

busy working at nite. slacking in e day.
or somtimes movie n lunch lah.

niway work was crazy on Sat.
the whole world seem to b so free n came to Night Safari.
was working as the show usher.
it was sOooo sooOoo crowded that i find that
i have NO space to stand there or even to breathe freely!
really man... its crazy.
on top of that, as all if you know the fact that
yours truly is seriously vertically challenged,
so my colleagues n guests had hard time locating where am i
when i am 'drowning' in the crowd.
i know u r laughing. laugh all u wan.
i am serious k.

on a unrelated note, after hearing some stuff
i really DO believe in karma.
what goes around, comes around
so don't go round hurting ppl,
and end up regretting horrible stuff that might befall on you.

yea. tats abt it.
shall go slumber land now.

Have a Happy Xmas peeps~!!!